Cyber Security Mock Drill Exercise

Government departments, industries, and organizations manage vast amounts of sensitive data in the modern digital landscape. As cyber threats continue to evolve, cybersecurity awareness has become essential for protecting operational integrity, ensuring data security, and mitigating the risk of cyber attacks.


To address evolving cyber risks, agencies like CERT-IN and ISMO have outlined key guidelines:

  • Conduct regular cybersecurity awareness programs.

  • Perform mock drills to test incident response

  • Stay updated on new cyber fraud tactics.

Organizations must actively promote awareness to safeguard their operations and data.


Organizations handle sensitive data, from internal communications to customer records. Employees, as key users, can inadvertently expose systems to threats like phishing, ransomware, or unauthorized access without proper training.

Benefits of Cybersecurity Awareness:

  • Protect sensitive data.
  • Enhance the organization's cyber incident response.
  • Equip employees with knowledge to prevent online fraud and identity theft.

What we Offer

We propose a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Awareness and Mock Drill Program for your organization, including:

  • Weekly Cybersecurity Awareness Emails: Regular updates on emerging threats and best practices to keep staff informed.

  • Monthly Training Sessions/Workshops: Interactive online or in-person workshops to educate employees on cybersecurity strategies

  • Mock Drill Assistance: Support in planning and executing simulated cyber-attacks like phishing or data breaches.

  • Bi-monthly Full-Scale Mock Drills: Large-scale drills to test incident readiness and identify vulnerabilities.

  • Post-Drill Reports & Recommendations: Detailed analysis and improvement suggestions following each drill.


By implementing our Cybersecurity Awareness and Mock Drill Program, your organization will:

  • Reduce Cyber-attack Risks: Enhance awareness and readiness among staff to prevent and respond to cyber threats.
  • Strengthen Resilience: Regularly evaluate and improve incident response strategies to enhance organizational resilience.

  • Safeguard Data: Ensure the protection and integrity of sensitive and confidential information.
  • Boost Employee Security: Provide employees with the knowledge to protect themselves from cyber threats at work and in their personal lives.

Aligns with CERT-IN and ISMO guidelines, ensuring compliance and preparedness for evolving cybersecurity challenges.

1-Year Plan and Remuneration

Duration: A comprehensive 1-year program.

Service Breakdown:

  • Weekly cybersecurity awareness emails.

  • Enhance the organization's cyber incident response.

  • Equip employees with knowledge to prevent online fraud and identity theft.


Regarding a detailed discussion on how this program can meet your organization’s specific needs and the associated remuneration, we would be delighted to arrange a follow-up meeting or call. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Cyber Defence Experience